Position Title
Associate Professor
- Cinema and Digital Media
PATRICK LEMIEUXAssistant Professor of Cinema and Digital Media
Ph.D. Media Arts and Sciences, Duke UniversityM.F.A. Digital Media Art, University of Florida, GainsvilleB.E.D. Visualization Science, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Patrick LeMieux is a game designer and media theorist. Recent projects include Speculation (http://speculat1on.net), an alternate reality game that explores the culture of Wall Street investment banks in the context of the 2008 global economic crisis, and Open House (http://no-place.org), a telematic installation which allows visitors to virtually squat in a Florida home undergoing foreclosure after the U.S. housing collapse. He has published extensively on game studies, critical code studies, and media technologies in journals such as Critical Inquiry and Digital Humanities Quarterly. His book Metagaming: Video Games and the Practice of Play is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press in 2016. For more information visit http://patrick-lemieux.com.