Position Title
Graduated 2019
Dissertation: Models of Growth: Imagining Complexity in Sustaining the Urban
Research Interests: critical conceptions of the built environment, contemporary design and urban culture, critical sustainability, transnationalism, representations and infrastructures of the global, the system/network and complexity, critical theory, visual culture and aesthetics, history and theory of technology, militarized logics and culture
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards:
- Provost's Dissertation Year Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, UC Davis, 2016-2017
- Cultural Studies Dissertation Quarter Fellowship (2016)
- Mellon Indian Ocean Worlds Graduate Student Research Travel Grant (2016)
- Design History Society Student Conference Bursary Award (2015)
- UC Davis Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies Dean’s Summer Fellowship (2015)
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Authors Meet Critics Fellowship (2015)
- Dean’s Non-Resident Tuition Fellowship (2011-2012)
University of California Humanities Research Institute Graduate Student Dissertation Support Grant (2018 – 2019)
- B.A. in English Language and Literature, (Honours in English Literature), National University of Singapore, 2003.
- M.A. in Literary Studies (Research), National University of Singapore, 2011
Academia.edu profile: http://ucdavis.academia.edu/MayeeWong
- "Visualizing the Complex Scene of Judgement and Justice"- Review Essay of Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth, edited by Forensic Architecture, forthcoming in Cultural Politics Vol. 12, no. 2 July 2016
- "The Crystal: Architecture Calibrating Climate Change for the Urban Future" in Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary, edited by James Graham, Caitlin Blanchfield, Alissa Anderson, Jordan Carver and Jacob Moore, Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, Lars Muller Publishers, 2016.
- "Feature: Behind the Green Door," Singapore Review of Books (November 3, 2015)- https://singaporereviewofbooks.org/2015/11/03/feature-behind-the-green-d...
- "Singampore As Garden City: The Techno-Organic Home" in The Measure of Your Dwelling: Singapore Unhomed, edited by Jason Wee, translated into German and published by ifa-Galerie, Berlin (April 2015).
- "Retargeting the scope of urban enquiry - Review of The City As Target, eds. Ryan Bishop, Gregory K. Clancey and John Phillips,Singapore Review of Books, April 24, 2014. (url: http://singaporereviewofbooks.org/2014/04/24/retargeting-the-scope-of-urban-enquiry/)
- “Territory”, in The Virilio Dictionary, edited by John Armitage, Edinburgh University Press (May 2013).
- “Beirut as a Militarized City”, in Spaces of Resistance, Living in a Critical Condition, Seminar for Experimental Critical Theory VIII, UC Humanities Forum (2012). (url: http://uchumanitiesforum.org/2012/10/13/beirut-as-a-militarized-city/)
- “Sticker Bomber and the Nanny State: Notes from Singapore” (with Louis Ho), Evental Aesthetics 1, no. 3 (2012): 10 – 22.
“Oakland Ecopolis” (with Trisha Barua), Critical Sustainabilities (May 2018), https://critical-sustainabilities.ucsc.edu/oakland-ecopolis/.
- "Singapore as Designer City: Defining Dreams and Producing Visions," in "Memes, Dreams and Schemes: Imagining Singapore Urban Futures," workshop organized by Global Asia Research Cluster, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 2016.
- "Envisioning the Garden City as Public Space: Metabolic Traces in Singapore as Sustainable City," Modern Language Association Meeting, Austin, January 2016.
- "A City-State Mourns: Life After Lee Kuan Yew," American Anthropological Association Meeting, Denver, November 2015.
- “Revisiting Metabolic Utopia in the Discourse of the Asian Sustainable City,” Annual Design History Society Conference, San Francisco, September 2015.
- “Archives of Risk” with Xan Chacko, Art of the Archive, Innovating Communication in Scholarship (ICIS) workshop, UC Davis, May 2015.
- "City As Flow: Looking At Metabolism in Urban Theory," Society of Literature, Science, and the Arts Annual Meeting 2014, Dallas, Texas, October 2014.
- "Mimicking Organicity: Singaporean Techno-ecology in Gardens By the Bay," American Comparative Literature Association Meeting, New York City, March 2014.
- "Would the World Change? Worlding Southeast Asia in the Singapore Biennale 2013," College Art Association Meeting, Chicago, February 2014.
- “Changing Speeds with Nature: appropriate(d) temporalities in architectural futures,” Imaginative Environments: Temporalities of Technology and Climate across the Humanities and Social Sciences workshop, Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network (APSTSN) Biennal Conference, July 2013.
- “Nature as Camouflage: The Militarized Aesthetics of Gardens by the Bay,” Transcultural Imaginaries: Making New, Making Strange, Moving Worlds Conference in collaboration with the Division of English, Nanyang Technological University, June 2014.
- “Nature From Above: The Urban Aesthetics of Gardens By the Bay,” Cultural Studies Association Annual Conference, May 2013.
- “Targeting Theory: Criticality and the City”, Constructing Worlds: Making and Breaking Order, UC Irvine Visual Studies Graduate Student Conference, April 2012.
“Future-proofing Singapore: Projections of a Developmental City-State,” American Anthropological Association Meeting, San Jose, November 2018.
“The Global Sustainable City as Ecological Model,” American Association of Geographers conference, Boston, April 5 – 9 2017.