Katherine Nasol

Katherine Nasol


Position Title
Graduated 2023


Research Interests: Displacement, Forced Migration, Workers Rights, Asian American Studies, and Citizenship


  • Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Community Outreach Award, June 2015. 
  • Stanford Award of Excellence, June 2015. 
  • Asian American Undergraduate Public Service Award, May 2015.

Grants & Fellowships

  • Mellon Public Scholars Fellowship, Davis Humanities Institute. February 2019. Awarded $7500 to work with AAPI Women LEAD and Migrante Napa Solano to develop and disseminate research on violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander women in the United States.
  • Public Service Scholars Fellowship, Stanford Haas Center for Public Service. Awarded $5000 to disseminate honors thesis findings with the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, an organization supporting trafficked Filipino workers in the United States. June 2015.
  • Program on Human Rights Fellowship, Stanford Program on Human Rights. Awarded $5000 to implement community based research on domestic workers rights in Hong Kong. June 2014.
  • Braden Stanford Storytelling Grant. Awarded $2500 to gather interviews of Filipino and Filipino American youth on their experiences in accessing public education. November 2014.
  • Community Research Summer Internship, Stanford Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. Awarded $5000 to conduct independent community based research on trafficked Filipino workers in New York City. June 2013.


  • Stanford University, Stanford, California, September 2011 - June 2015
  • Bachelors of Arts, International Relations, Minor and Honors Distinction in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. 
    • Honors Thesis: “Balikbayan Boxes: Exploring Legal Status and Citizenship of Trafficked Filipino Migrant Workers in the United States.”


  • Abelada, N., Katherine Nasol, and Mikayla Konefta.“Gender Justice in the Filipinx Community” in Harvard Asian American Policy Review, April 2019
  • Nasol, K. Tracing Trafficking Throughout the Migrant’s Journey. Migrants Review: Research and Essays on Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong, 2: 65 – 74. Republished in Stanford Journal of Asian American Studies, 7: 55 - 65. November 2014.


  • “Transnational Community Organizing and Filipina Activism.” Pinay Power II Conference. McGill University. April 2019.
  • “Pinay Activism in the Silicon Valley: Finding Place amidst Displacement, Gentrification, and Imperialist Technologies.” Pinay Power II Conference. McGill University. April 2019.
  • “Balikbayan Boxes: Exploring Legal Status and Citizenship of Trafficked Filipino Migrant Workers in the United States.” Research with a Public Purpose Conference. Stanford Haas Center for Public Service. June 2015.

  • “Balikbayan Boxes: Exploring Legal Status and Citizenship of Trafficked Filipino Migrant Workers in the United States.” Honors Thesis Colloquium. Stanford Center on Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. June 2015.
  • “Tracing Trafficking Throughout the Migrant Journey.” Stanford Engaged Scholarship Conference. Stanford Center on Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. December 2014.
  • “Identities and Transnational Resistance in the Filipino Diaspora.” Pilipino American Student Union Presentation. Stanford Center for Ethics in Society. September 2014.
  • “People Before Profit: Race, Migration, Trafficking, and the Experiences of Filipino Migrant Workers,” Community Based Research Summer Fellowship Symposium. Stanford Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. September 2013.

Policy Briefs:

  • Nasol, K. and Roy B. Taggueg. “How to Solve California’s Housing Crisis” in Scholars Strategy Network, April 2019. 
  • Nasol, K. “2019 Filipino Policy Agenda.” Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. February 2019
  • Truong, A. and Katherine Nasol. “Ethnic Studies.” Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. January 2019
  • Abelada, N., Katherine Nasol, and Mikayla Konefta.“Gender Justice in the Filipinx Community.” Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. November 2018.
  • Nasol, K. and Roy Taggueg. “Proposition 10: Housing Justice in the Filipinx Community.” Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. October 2018.