Position Title
Graduated 2022
Dissertation: Cold: Dissociation in Film, Television, Art, and War
Research Interests: Queer and affect theory; digital cultures; American studies; critical race theory; pornography; phenomenology; biopolotics and governmentality; new media/social networking; popular culture, theories of temporality.
Fellowship, Grants, and Awards:
- Cultural Studies Summer Research Award (2016)
- Travel Award for Pleasure and Suspicion Conference, Duke University (2016)
- Summer Research Award, Mellon Research Initiative in Digital Cultures, UC Davis (2015)
- Fullbright Fellow, Myjava, Slovakia (2011-2012)
- Point Foundation LBGTQ Scholar (2008-2011)
B.A. in Comparative American Studies, Highest Honors, Oberlin College 2011.
"Composing Queers: The Subversive Potential of the Writing Center," in The Oxford Guide for Writing Tutors: Practice and Research, ed. Lauren Fitzgerald and Melissa Ianetta. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
“Ruinous Frequencies: Media Sensibilities in Todd Haynes’ Safe.” Media Fields Conference: RUINS, Santa Barbara, CA, April 2017.
“Desiring-Surveillance in Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s The Lives of Others.” Popular Culture Association Conference, Seattle, WA, March 2016.
“Pleasure in a Watchful World: Desiring-Surveillance and the Limits of Control.” Pleasure and Suspicion Conference, Raleigh, NC, February 2016.
"Every Smile Counts: Digital Surveillance in the Emotion Economy." To be presented at the Affect Theory Conference, Lancaster, PA, October 2015.
"The Sharpness of Cannot: A Queer/Crip Analysis of the Injection Drug Use Needle." Cultural Studies Association Conference, Riverside, CA, May 2015.