Position Title
Ph.D. Student
- Cultural Studies Graduate Group
Research Interests
trans studies, trans aesthetics, queer theory, feminism, critical theory, continental philosophy, linguistic/poetic performativity, genre-bending, alternate knowledge production, intentional community, crip theory, queer kinship, theories of care, transformative justice.
M.A. Philosophy. Université de Montréal. 2020.
B.A. French-Language Literature and Philosophy. Université de Montréal. 2018.
Selected Publications
- “Playing and Hiding Joyfully in the Rubble: Thinking with Marquis Bey on Black Trans Feminism.” Social Text Journal. Forthcoming.
- “Opération de poitrine trans ou non binaire : réflexions avant de passer à l’acte.” Just a Little Fun. Sex-positive educational platform. 2022. URL: https://justalittlefun.ca/diversite-sexuelle/operation-de-poitrine-non-binaire-reflexions-avant-de-passer-a-lacte/.
- “Toutes sortes d’attirances.” Just a Little Fun. Sex-positive educational platform. 2022. URL: https://justalittlefun.ca/relations/toutes-sortes-dattirances/.
- “Au menu ce soir : scènes de jeu et négociations.” Just a Little Fun. Sex-positive educational platform. 2022. URL: https://justalittlefun.ca/bdsm/au-menu-ce-soir-scenes-de-jeu-et-negociations/.
- “Des dynamiques de pouvoir désirables.” Just a Little Fun. Sex-positive educational platform. 2022. URL: https://justalittlefun.ca/bdsm/des-dynamiques-de-pouvoir-desirables/.
- Une double subversion de genre(s) chez Nietzsche, ou comment philosopher par le poétique. Master’s thesis. Université de Montréal. 2020.
“Queercore: Intersection(s) of Punk and Queer Theory.” Séminaire d’été pour la diversité en philosophie (SÉDI-2021). Virtual – province of Quebec and France. June 2021.
Honors and Awards
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). 2019.
Nomination for the Governor General’s Academic Medal. Department of Philosophy of the University of Montreal. 2018.
Excellence Award and Scholarship. Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the University of Montreal. 2018.
Professional Memberships & Affiliations
The Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love (SPSL).
Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF).
Institute for Recruitment of Teachers (IRT) Alumni Network.